Providing a website service that
takes the stress away from having a website.
No need to remember your log-in and settings.
Just email nisekoLabs.

William Lee

nisekoLabs is William Lee, and William Lee is me! Will started making his first websites when he was 15 (he's a geek but don't worry, if you don't ask him about tech he considers himself normal). The world of the internet has changed dramatically since then - who thought you would watch TV from the internet?!. He likes to think he's been round the world twice and spoken to everyone once but it's far from true. He believes that the internet is still a wonderful place despite the state things can get into. Now that he has settled in Niseko he likes helping local businesses with their online presence.

Whether you know something or nothing about the internet, he always welcomes a conversation about it. He speaks alright English, alright Japanese, and sometimes Cantonese (but his head might hurt if he hasn't used it in a while). He's very fluent in computers (they talk to him).

Since moving to Niseko in 2020, with him he brings a passion for technology, education, and the environment. He believes in the benefits and opportunities that the internet can bring to small and medium sized businesses, and if you have any doubt about that idea you should talk to him about it. As a small business himself he understands the financial burdens and responsibilities required in order to sustain a living and a business. With this kept in mind he offers his services doing his best to contribute to a growing and sustainable local economy.

Fun Fact: Logo

The logo used for nisekoLabs is created from the primarily using the range of brackets found on a keyboard. Often used in coding languages. Except now it looks like the Niseko mountain range.